Sunday, January 11, 2015


Dear Mom and Dad, I’m writing to you to let you know that I am okay, although my city may not be. What happened this week was one of the scariest things I’ve ever experienced and is something that will certainly impact me for the rest of my life. On wednesday two islamic extremists killed 12 people at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. I’m sure you already know what happened, but to say it out loud makes it sound so much more terrible. Charlie Hebdo is a loved newspaper that had been publishing controversial material every week - that was just part of the appeal. Their publishing of the image of Muhammed, the images that evoked this terrible attack, were not something ridiculously outside the realm of what Charlie Hebdo usually publishes - it was a magazine that basked in the beauty of freedom of the press. I feel strongly that the press should be able to exert their right to free speech without having to worry about dying. This situation is difficult though because Charlie Hebdo had received threats already and chose to still publish this. I personally think its hard because part of me believes that common sense and self preservation would dictate that maybe it isn’t smart to publish something so controversial after already having received threats, but I also think that by not publishing something because you were threatened by terrorist is basically an act of making peace with the terrorist - by giving them exactly what they want - and feel that Charlie Hebdo had every right to do what they did. Although that part is difficult, I am here, a part of the Parisian community and I feel the anger and sadness of the whole city at this ridiculous and unfair act. All that said, I am okay and hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Nell